Why Email is Essential for a PCS Proof Business....and why you don't want to hit that unsubscribe button too fast. KaylaRoof.com
I recently wrapped up the last launch of The Work from Anywhere Business Academy.  If you’re on my email list, you were probably thinking, “WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH ALL OF THESE EMAILS?”  I have to tell you, I thought the SAME thing when I first got started with online marketing. When I began following my now business mentor, I loved her weekly emails. But then, every few months for a week straight my email box would get bombarded with daily emails. I remember thinking, “If this chick sends me ONE more email, I’m hitting that unsubscribe button.”  I’m SO glad I didn’t. I wasn’t quite ready at the time to move forward with whatever she had going on, but I loved all of the great, free information she put out each week. NOW, I understand what she was doing and I now  look forward to her launches because I learn something new each time that I can apply to my own business. As I learned more about developing my own PCS Proof business, I realized that email marketing and automation is ESSENTIAL to building a business that will move with you!
Think about it, what if you set up a series of automated emails that would go out while you’re PCSing across the country?

You could literally make money while you’re driving, unpacking, and sleeping! 

This isn’t rocket science either, it’s pretty easy to put this together for any type of business.

Today, I want to give you a little insight as to WHY emails are essential for a PCS Proof business and then I want to show you how they are a must for anyone that runs an online business. 

Email is your sure-fire way of connecting with your potential customers.  Facebook could change the way they do business any day. Remember when pages were an easy way to reach all of your followers and now only a very small percentage of people can see your posts?  The same can happen for groups or any other method of communication that you’re currently using that is not your own platform. By building your own email list, you have a built in audience of potential customers.
They key is to email often and be consistent so your readers get used to you showing up in your in box. When you begin to grow your email marketing list, you will then have a group of people that are interested in what you have to say. This is why I put SO much emphasis on growing an email list. Otherwise, someone may come to your website and then never see your site again. It’s not because they didn’t like what you had to say, it’s just that there are SO many websites out there that it’s hard to remember.  That’s why it’s important to create an email opt-in so that you can communicate with your readers and potential customers on a regular basis. You want to get in the habit of providing immense value to your readers. The more they grow to know, like, and trust you, the more likely they will buy from you.

Now, I want to share with you why sending a lot of email over a short period of time is actually a really good thing. 

When someone joins your email list, that first week is the BEST time to introduce them to what you have to offer. It’s when they are HOT.  It doesn’t matter what kind of business you own, whether you are in direct sales, you’re a blogger, or you sell physical products or services, that first week is crucial. You want to provide your new buddy (your subscriber, your opt-inner, your potential customer) the opportunity to get to know you better, to figure out what exactly it is that you do, and for goodness sakes, what you have to offer.  Utilize that first week well, and it will lead to further sales down the road.

Now, it’s time to talk about launching your products and services via email. 

A launch in the online world is a specified window of time that your promote and sell a product or service. In my case, I only “launch” aka open up the The Work from Anywhere Business Academy a few times a year so when I open it up for enrollment, it’s usually only for a 10 day period.  10 days, that’s it! You can do this with your business, too. Just pick a specific product or service you want to promote for a week. So, in order to make sure everyone knows about it, it’s important tell my tribe (that’s you) that it’s open.
One of the ways I let people know The Work from Anywhere Business Academy™ is open is through email marketing. When you begin to grow your email marketing list, you will then have a group of people that are interested in what you have to say. This is why I put SO much emphasis on growing an email list. Otherwise, someone may come to your website and then never see your site again. It’s not because they didn’t like what you had to say, it’s just that there are SO many websites out there that it’s hard to remember.  That’s why it’s important to create an email opt-in so that you can communicate with your readers and potential customers on a regular basis.
So you might be thinking at this point, “Ok, Kayla, I follow but WHY so many emails? Why not just send one and let people know?
  Here’s why it’s necessary to send several emails during a launch:
  • Not everyone will read every email you send
  • I still get people (even when I send 5-6 emails per launch) that say, “I didn’t know it was open.”
  • Some people need more information about your product or service before they are ready to buy, they may need 4-5 emails before they are ready to commit.
  • You may have early bird special pricing or offer time-sensitive bonuses during a lunch so you’ve got to tell your tribe about them so they can fully take advantage of the good stuff.
  • 75% of people wait until the last day to buy.  YES. 75%! Each launch is different for me but I’ve even had upwards of 90% of people wait until the last day to buy. CRAZY huh?  It’s just human nature, we don’t act unless there is urgency and scarcity built in.  That’s why I always send 2 emails the last day of the launch.
But you’re probably thinking, WHAT IF PEOPLE UNSUBSCRIBE?
Get ready, because they absolutely will. But that’s OKAY. You only want people on your email list that are genuinely interested in what you have to say.  Some people will be on your list a year before they buy,  some may never buy, and some will buy everything you put out there. Now that you have a little insight into email marketing and how it works, I want you think about how you could do this in your own business. If you don’t have a business yet or you’re thinking about switching gears in your current business, I want to invite you to check out my BASIC TRAINING program. I created this program because I had so many people emailing me after the launch of the academy saying:
“I want to join the academy but I don’t really have my business idea ironed out just yet.”
THAT is where BASIC TRAINING comes in, this is the entry level program to the academy that helps you take your ideas and turn them into money makers.  So if you’re not sure what you want to do yet OR if you want to learn all the different ways you can monetize your current business and develop a revenue plan, then Basic Training is for you. Get the scoop here. 

Have an awesome day and I’ll talk to you soon! (But only if you’re on my email list because if not, we may never actually hear from each other again)  Ha, ha! Seriously though, here are you next steps:TAKE ACTION! This week, make it a priority to start building your email list.



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