You could literally make money while you’re driving, unpacking, and sleeping!
Today, I want to give you a little insight as to WHY emails are essential for a PCS Proof business and then I want to show you how they are a must for anyone that runs an online business.
Now, I want to share with you why sending a lot of email over a short period of time is actually a really good thing.
Now, it’s time to talk about launching your products and services via email.
- Not everyone will read every email you send
- I still get people (even when I send 5-6 emails per launch) that say, “I didn’t know it was open.”
- Some people need more information about your product or service before they are ready to buy, they may need 4-5 emails before they are ready to commit.
- You may have early bird special pricing or offer time-sensitive bonuses during a lunch so you’ve got to tell your tribe about them so they can fully take advantage of the good stuff.
- 75% of people wait until the last day to buy. YES. 75%! Each launch is different for me but I’ve even had upwards of 90% of people wait until the last day to buy. CRAZY huh? It’s just human nature, we don’t act unless there is urgency and scarcity built in. That’s why I always send 2 emails the last day of the launch.
Have an awesome day and I’ll talk to you soon! (But only if you’re on my email list because if not, we may never actually hear from each other again) Ha, ha! Seriously though, here are you next steps:TAKE ACTION! This week, make it a priority to start building your email list.
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How to Create a PCS Proof Business in 6 Simple Steps
I like what you said about people unsubscribing! I feel like so many people are nervous about unsubscribes (I was in the beginning) but honestly those just aren’t your people and thats okay! You have to pay for them to be on your list so you might as well celebrate that someone who isn’t going to buy from you or get you closer to your goals is off your list, right? Email is totally my favorite part of blogging, it’s where I can be more personal and connect individually with people 🙂