Welcome, Carrie Ashley, owner of Carried Away Creative Co and guest today on KaylaRoof.com. How A Looming Deployment Led Me to My Work-From-Anywhere Career I know what you might be thinking after your eyes just scanned the headline above: Carrie,...
Welcome, Rebecca Alwine, a freelance writer, army wife, and mother of three. Today she shares with six tools shes uses to grow her freelance writing business. I experienced a lot of growth in 2017, personally and professionally. I made the decision late in 2016 to...
Welcome, Rebecca Alwine, a freelance writer, army wife, and mother of three. Today she shares with us how she has turned her passion for storytelling into a full-time job! When people ask me what I do as I work from home, they are often surprised when I respond...
I’m going to bet that stressing less and enjoying life more, is on your radar for this year. Let’s be honest, there’s a lot of pieces that go into building a thriving business. Since social media came into play as one of the easiest, cheapest and...
I love the week between Christmas and the new year as it’s such a great time to reflect on the year and focus on what you want to accomplish in the coming year. I wanted to share with you what this year looked like for me as a business owner, a mom, and a military...